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Create a Lasting Presence

At Temple Adat Shalom, we know that many of our congregants would like to create a lasting presence right here on our beautiful campus. We offer a variety of ways to participate--contact the Temple office at 858.451.1200 or email if you are interested in making one of these lasting donations.

Memorial Plaques:

If you wish to create a permanent remembrance of a loved one, you may wish to have their name inscribed on one of our Yahrzeit memorial plaques in the sanctuary. A light next to the plaque will be lit every year on their Yahrzeit, which provides a certain comfort to those remaining. Names inscribed on these plaques are included in the congregation's annual Book of Remembrance, and are read at the annual observance of the Yahrzeit of the deceased. Plaques are available for a donation of $360 per plaque.

Orchard of Life

Celebrate your family's joy, commemorate each happy event with a leaf on a tree in our Orchard of Life! Celebrate the birth of a baby, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, graduation, promotion, marriage, special birthdays and anniversaries, Confirmation --any simcha is a good reason to add a leaf to the Orchard of Life. Engraved leaves for our Orchard of Life can be purchased for $180 each.

Sanctuary Paver

The path leading to the sanctuary is a place of contemplation as we enter our congregation's sacred space. Honor someone special, commemorate your family's or chavurah's participation in our Temple life, or inscribe a brief message of your choosing on one of the pavers lining the path leading to the main entrance of our Marcus Sanctuary. Paver stones can be purchased for $275 for one paver or $500 for two pavers. Return this form and payment to the Temple office, and be reminded of your special contribution every time you come to services. 

Bench Mosaics

The benches around our grounds enable rest and reflection, and beautify our surroundings. Choose one of our mosaic designs to decorate the bench, or work with our Temple Administrator to create your own design. A plaque with space for a brief inscription is part of the design. Purchase your bench for $180.

Sat, October 26 2024 24 Tishrei 5785