First grade continues the fun and excitement of discovery begun in Kindergarten. With singing, storytelling, and hands-on activities, students continue to establish their special place within our community of family and
friends at Temple.
But not only at Temple. First grade invites our students to discover their Jewish home- identifying and understanding the different items, from artwork to mezuzot that they find there. Blessings to be said at home are also reviewed and introduced, including the blessings of the table, Shabbat, and the four questions of Passover. Study of Israel brings the magical qualities of Jerusalem to life.
Students will learn the story of Chanukah, learn more about the Matriarchs and Patriarchs, and discover Jerusalem through the eyes of Israeli children. Every week, students experience and add to the joy of communal prayer. Through this energetic service with their peers, they continue to learn the melodies and prayers they will encounter at each stage of their Hebrew education. These services also give our children the confidence and experience to participate in and help lead Shabbat and holiday services at Temple Adat Shalom.
Students will be introduced to the Jewish values of Tzedakah (sharing), Gemilut Chesed (loving kindness), B’tzelem Elohim (being created in the image of God), as well as learning about the diversity of Jewish Families and the Wonders of Nature.
In Hebrew, our students will continue to learn the alphabet adding the vowel "EE." By the end of the year, they will be able to read simple sentences using the vowels covered. They will also be able to be engage in a simple Hebrew conversation,
Students will be introduced to the Jewish values of Tzedakah (sharing), Gemilut Chesed (loving kindness), B’tzelem Elohim (being created in the image of God), as well as learning about the diversity of Jewish Families and the Wonders of Nature.
In Hebrew, our students will continue to learn the alphabet adding the vowel "EE." By the end of the year, they will be able to read simple sentences using the vowels covered. They will also be able to be engage in a simple Hebrew conversation,
as they will learn the names of colors, animals, fruit, and other familiar objects.
First Grade
Holidays and Symbols
Jewish Home
Home Symbols (Candle Sticks, Mezuzah, Menorah, Books, Kiddush Cup, Havdalah Set, Challah Cover, Seder Plate, Art, Ketubah)
Prayer and God
Four Questions
Shabbat Blessings
Jewish Values
REVIEW: Tza-ar Ba-alei Chayim, Kibud Av v’Em
Gemilut Chesed (Loving Kindness)
B’tzelem Elohim (Being created in the image of God)
Characteristics and Diversity of Jewish families
Wonders of Nature
Simple Hebrew greetings
Names of colors, animals, fruit, and other familiar object
Jewish Customs and Practices
God and nature
Bible and History
Abraham/Sarah – Jacob/Rachel
The Story of the Maccabees
Basic geography / Jerusalem
Israeli childhood
Fri, February 14 2025
16 Sh'vat 5785
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Candle Lighting | 5:15pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:33pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 6:10pm |
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Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785
Temple Adat Shalom
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism
Pardeis Religious School
Ganon Gil Early Childhood Center/The Nest Infant-Toddler Center
15905 Pomerado Road, Poway, CA 92064 - 858.451.1200 -
We acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the Kumeyaay Nation
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